S Sistem Logistics Services Co. under the Solmaz Group, was established as Sistem Depoculuk A.Ş. and Sistem Lojistik A.Ş. in 1999. On September 28, 2001, Solmaz Gümrükleme ve Tic. Inc. merged with Sistem Lojistik Hizmetler A.Ş. continues its services as a brand which has adopted the customer-oriented quality service concept within the logistics sector with the services of Customs Bonded Warehouse Operation, International Transportation, Domestic Transportation, Customs Transit Transportation and Logistic Warehousing services.

S Sistem Logistics Services Co. is Turkey’s first integrated logistics service company and it has been the pioneer of innovations in the sector with its first privately owned warehouse operation in the logistics sector serving airlines and its first intercity scheduled customs transit transportation service.


Adding value to our business by using training and technology; Is to be a company that provides sustainable growth by providing economic, quality, reliable and environmentally friendly services to all business partners in the logistics sector by investing in human resources which is our most valuable resource.


Being a leading logistics service provider company in the country.



S Sistem Logistics Services Co. serves the companies and stakeholders listed below together with Solmaz Group of Companies, which is a group company.



S Sistem Logistics Services Co. in the warehouse, transportation, warehouse and distribution services we aim to increase the value added of our customers and meet the services they need with reliable, flexible, fast, efficient and economical;

  • Always keeping the quality of service at the highest level,
  • Continuing and implementing the developments in technology,
  • In addition to our customers, our employees, our suppliers and our partners’ continuous satisfaction, in cooperation with them in a balanced manner,
  • Respecting the environment and ethical values,
  • Provide our employees with a peaceful work environment, empower them, support continuous learning and development,
  • Being a company that is sought in the sector and has a high competitive power

Within the framework of legal requirements and legislation.


Detailed information about Solmaz Group can be found at